Manage a Standby Pool of Workers for an Election

A worker who is not assigned to work an election can be flagged as a member of the election’s standby pool. The pool gives you the ability to hold a group of workers in reserve for the election until you can give them a specific work assignment. Assigning a worker to a position and location automatically removes them from the standby pool.

A worker's assignment to an election’s standby pool is denoted by a green note on the Election Work tab of their worker record.

The utility program Create Vote-By-Mail Requests for Workers generates Vote-By-Mail requests for precinct poll workers in the standby pool, as well as other poll workers.

When making work assignments, you can use the Worker Flexible Search dialog to find the workers in the election’s standby pool. On the dialog, make these selections:

Election Assignment

select election


Not Working  (Clear all other check boxes in the Type box.)

Standby Pool

Assigned to Pool

For a printed list of the workers in the standby pool, run the Election Workers Assigned to Standby Pool report. The report is sorted by position.